Technical Excellence At Work
Chemical cleaning services that deliver reliability and safety to pipeline and plants across multiple geographies.
We offer both the chemicals and expertise needed to prevent solids buildup and sulfur-induced corrosion in various systems. Our experienced team addresses issues and employs advanced chemical technologies to keep pipelines clean and operational.
Through our intensive chemical cleaning processes and use of chemistry solvents, we remove various types of scaling, sludges, and deposits by dissolving them into the solution. Our range of chemical cleaning services fall into two main categories :
*Pre-operational cleaning:* This cleaning is done after the construction of a new piping system and before commissioning and start-up. It aims to eradicate rust, oils, grease, debris, oxides and other contaminants before commencement of pipeline operations.
*Post-operational cleaning:* This type of cleaning is for vessels and piping systems that have already been in operation for some period.
Pre-operational cleaning
Our wide range of cleaning solutions depend on the type of contaminants present, and the level of cleanliness required. This includes degreasing, fill and soak pickling, acid cleaning, passivation, neutralization and others. We decide the right solution for pipeline systems to ensure a proper commissioning and start-up phase.
Post-operational cleaning
Our seasoned experts collaborate with you to analyse the chemical factors causing issues, develop a treatment plan to address the root cause, and implement preventative measures to ensure system productivity. The cleaning methodology we recommend depends on the nature of contaminants within. Varied services such as pigging, air/steam blowing, biocide treatment, flushing, hydro jetting services clear pipelines and restore flow, while monitoring conditions within. Utilizing superior cleaning agents, our engineers identify optimal solutions to restore flow efficiency and profitability to your pipeline.
Refinery Expansion Project
Services: Chemical Cleaning
Expertly managed chemical cleaning and waste disposal completing amine degreasing for 1.5 km of piping. The project was handled using in-house resources and efficient vendor coordination.